Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meet Babies, Books, and Beyond!

This is one of my second or third attempts at starting a blog. Let's hope it works out a bit better this time.

As you can tell from the title, I plan on writing about babies and books. I decided on the name only because those two things seem to be the focus of my life currently. I have a 9 month old baby boy and I have always loved to read. The books I write about won't just be about baby books, but all the books I read. My goal for this year is to read 52 books, most from the To-Read piles I've had for years now. In my apartment, I probably have over 500 books. It seems like every weekend we have  to go buy another bookcase. Currently there are 6 bookshelves in my dining room/living room, plus the baby has overflowing bookshelves and piles of books. Oh, I also own a nookcolor that probably has 500 books on it.

CJ getting baptized.
I'll also be posting on my son as he grows and all the craziness that comes with that. He's growing so fast and I want to be able to look back and read my thoughts during his babyhood. Just last night he finally managed to sleep for 11 hours IN HIS CRIB. This is monumentous let me tell you. Usually on a good night, he goes to his bed from 11-3 then comes in our bed and wakes up to nurse every 2 hours.

In addition to the books and babies, I just recently passed the Massachusetts teaching tests and applied for a license to teach middle school and high school English. I hope to get a teaching job that will start next September. So hopefully, eventually, I'll be writing here about my first year teaching.

Here is my family! As we like to say, welcome to the crazy!
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