Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday #CharlesDickens! Plus Giveaway

I love google's picture today in honor of Charles Dicken's 200th birthday. 

Charles Dickens is one of my favorites. He's a big part of why I'm such a reader. I read Great Expectations when I was really young and absolutely fell in love with Pip and with reading. I've read almost all of his works and he has never disappointed me. Admittedly A Tale of Two Cities was a little hard to get through, but it was still worth reading. So in honor of his birthday, I'm having another giveaway!

You can win any of his books as either an ebook or paperback, so long as it is available for less than $10. You can choose or I can surprise you with one of my favorites. 

Just enter by leaving a comment below with who your favorite Dickensian character is. Good luck!
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  1. Well, my favourite character is the enigmatic John Jasper from The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

  2. I will have to pick Sydney Carlton in a "Tale of Two Cities as he gives his life so another may live.

  3. I love Tiny Tim in The Christmas Carol - isn't he a little sweetie?

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  4. Joe Gargery from Great Expectations. Pip has such a rough time of it, and Joe's unconditional love and support is a welcome relief from Pip's sister. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I loved a Tale of Two Cities. It was one of the few books I loved that we had to read in school. I made my sister read it because I loved it so much.However, she also did not feel the same way.Carton gave up everything for his love. I wish it would have been him in the end, but that is how it goes sometimes.
    helldog3 at aol.com


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