I'm in it! For reals. I'm kind of a big deal now.
Ok not really. Last month a reader asked one of the writers a question. She said her husband was deployed and her daughter didn't want to go on Skype and talk to him, so she wondered what to do. The writer said not to force the issue and that the child would be reacquainted when the parent returned. When I was in the Army, I was a Mental Health Specialist. Two of the most common issues were homesickness and the shock of coming back home to a family that you are basically a stranger to. So I wrote a letter to the editor and said this:
I just think it is really important to make every effort to keep the channels of communication open. One of the best ways of doing that nowadays is Skype. Skype is really a Godsend. A child of any age can see their parent through the camera and recognize them. It is so important for the morale of the deployed soldier to see their family. Obviously I am no expert, but this is just based on what I saw for myself.
So I thought that was pretty cool. I actually had no idea it was in there. One of my old bosses messaged me on facebook to let me know. Someone saw that it said I was a Mental Health Specialist so they brought it to show him and he was surprised to see my name. I'm pretty darn proud of myself. All right, I'm done tooting my own horn. I'll be back tomorrow with an awesome historical fiction book review.
Menu Plan Monday
Here's the noms we are making this week.
Monday - Italian Pot Pie
Tuesday - Baked Chicken (most likely more Honey Mustard Chicken, that was a hit last week.)
Wednesday - Pepperoni Pizza Monkey Bread
Thursday - Egg Boat Sandwiches
Friday - Beef and Bean Burritos
Saturday - Eating out
Sunday - Hmm.... I don't know yet.
So what am I reading these days? Well I finally took The Invention of Hugo Cabret
So what are you reading and eating this week? Let me know! Pin It
Awesome!! --Skype is great! I've got fam in the Philippines and it's a wonderful way we keep in touch. :)