Saturday, October 15, 2011

Literary Books Giveaway

While most of what I read is historical fiction, my first true book love, are the classics. When I was younger, I devoured them.I didn't have the greatest childhood, and books were my favorite escape. With books, I became a musketeer, a Southern belle, and even a prince disguised as a commoner.

Because of my love of great works of literary fiction, I am participating in the Literary Giveaway Blog Hop. Click the link to be taken to all the other participants. There are some great books being given away.

So which books am I giving away? Well, it's a surprise!! The hints are in the three descriptions I gave above. I will tell you that I'm giving away three different books. They are all considered "classics" and they are all well-loved. I will be giving two books directly from my book collection, plus a brand new third book. One is a hardcover of a classic that I've had and read over and over again. The next is a paperback version of one of my absolute favorite books. The third is a brand new paperback Barnes and Noble Classics edition. (I'll give you a nook or kindle version of this one if you prefer.) Enter your guess as to which three books I'm giving away in the form below, and you'll be entered to win one of them! There will be three winners!

To enter, fill out the rafflecopter form below! This is my first time using rafflecopter, so let me know if there are any bugs!

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  1. A great work of the time, an innovation in writing!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Reading Confetti! Hope you got some great deals! :) I'm a new follower! Lorie

  3. literary fiction focuses more on style, psychological depth, and character; the plot may or may not be important; example=To Kill a Mockingbird.

  4. To me literary means not specific to any genre and a mode of expression unlike mainstream fiction.

  5. Literary means a classic book. Something that will be talked about for its depth for years to come. A good example is Jane Eyre.

  6. Most literary books is a work of art written by an author.

    Anything by Jane Austen would be a literary (work of art) in my opinion.


  7. a book that stands the test of time - that remains relevant for all time. That each time I read it, I discover something new about the plot, the characters, myself!
    junegirl26 at hotmail dot com

  8. ...a great work of art that stands the test of time. I agree with nicolesender also, "focuses more on style, psychological depth, and character"

    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  9. thanks for having a great giveaway! i am also a blogger (new) focusing on three niches with one of them being books and reading. i posted my first book review just last night.
    anyways, thanks again and happy blogging!


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