Sunday, October 16, 2011

TBR Intervention (1)

Last Saturday I posted how I was participating in the TBR Intervention. This is a group of book bloggers who have come to the realization that we have way too many books on our to-be-read list, and we need to get cracking. So each week, we challenge ourselves, and each other to finish one book that has been on your to-be-read list. 

Last week's challenge
Last week I challenged myself to read Her Mother's Daughter: A Novel of Queen Mary Tudor. I am happy to say I successfully finished it! Wahooooo!! I gave the book three stars. It was ok but I found Mary to be annoying and the book wasn't as well-written as some Tudor historical fiction. I also finished Remembrance  and Song of the Nile. Those book reviews, as well as giveaways, will be coming next month. 

Next week's challenge
The hubby has been wanting me to read a book called The Paladin for a long time now. So I am finally going to do it, just to make him happy. I'm such a nice wife. :) Wish me luck!

Check out these other blogs to see their TBR Interventions.

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  1. I am impressed that you already made a commitment last week and you were able to finished it =) I'm also glad that you're joining this event. It won't work without your commitment and support. Thank you so much for participating in TBRIC! Good luck to your next book and have happy weekend!

    your new follower,
    april =)

  2. That's wonderful that you're reading a book your hubs recommended. My hubs reads mostly historical non-fiction, but once in a great while, because he loves me, he'll read something from my stack. He's currently working through the Harry Potters. So good luck with The Paladin, it'll be cool that you both can talk about it once you're done. :)

    Thanks so much for joining in TBR Intervention!

  3. Generally we don't really read the same books, but we both love Harry Potter and the Game of Thrones series. He says this book is historical fiction so we'll see how I like it. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Also, he once tried to read Gone with the Wind for me, so I guess I owe him one.

  5. Wow, you already had something that you committed to read. I'm impressed *claps* I, on the other hand, is floundering in a sea of research papers.

    Thank you for joining TBRIC.


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