Monday, December 12, 2011

My Bookworm Santa

Thanks so much to The Magic Attic for hosting Bookwarm Santa. Just last week I received an amazing package filled with 3 books from my wishlist.

I received Beauty Queens, Allison Hewitt is Trapped, and The False Princess.

I also received a really cute picture of my secret bookworm Santa's dogs. Thank you so much secret Santa! Pin It


  1. The dogs are Jennifer's from Books and Barks. She helped me by re mailing the books so you wouldn't see they were from Alaska. Hope you enjoyed them. Did you get the last one I sent for the unveiling? it's in your email. Merry Christmas! Happy reading!

  2. You tricksy tricksy little Santa :) Thanks for the books. I did get the other book, but I don't know if I can read it. I have a nook and not a kindle. I don't know if nooks can read kindle books.

    Thank you so much for all the books. I've only read Beauty Queens so far, but I can't wait to read the others.


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