Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thrift Store Book Booty

CJ and I were supposed to go to a play-date early Tuesday morning, but it was cancelled due to the dad being sick. We were all dressed up with no place to go, so I convinced the hubby we should go to downtown Haverhill for lunch. I then convinced him we should go to the thrift/antique stores that they have down there. CJ needs a bureau for his bedroom so we've been on the lookout. Well, we didn't find a bureau, but I did make out like a bandit on some children's books. Craig wanted to kill me. He said I was a hoarder. CJ likes books, I like books, I like CJ, CJ gets books. It's quite simple really.

So here's the goods.

Some Dr. Seuss books & Strega Nona (which I almost bought new the other day). 50 cents each.
Bunch of Sesame Street books 50 cents each.

A few Golden Books (25 cents each) and 4 kids movies ($2 each). I just realized that All Dogs Go to Heaven isn't even opened yet! I think CJ will love Finding Nemo.
So these are all going to be wrapped to be opened Christmas morning. Maybe. We'll see. I want a ton of stuff for him to open. I think he's going to love that part the most. 

So what do you think? I did good right? Tell my husband that, k?
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1 comment:

  1. Mr. MamaMunky (Craig), your wife did great!! These are incredible deals. Now I've got to check out my local thrift stores and see what they got ..hope to hit a jackpot too! ;)


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