Sunday, January 1, 2012

Random Reads (2)

Random Reads Meme – Hosted by

Random Reads is an awesome meme just started by I'm Loving Books. The meme is another one to get rid of books that are on your to-read list. The catch is, you are not choosing the book, it is being chosen randomly for you. In my case, I'm going to use I have 1320 books on my Goodread's to-read list. I'm going to put in 1-1320 on and see which number it gives me. Then I'll read that book, provided I have it or the e-book isn't ridiculously expensive. Easy peasy. I'm going to be participating once a month. 

Last month, chose Life of Pi. Did I read it? Nope, sure didn't. Didn't even crack it open. Or open the file, since I have it on my nook. It was just a crazy busy month, and I didn't even bother to start it. Oh well. Back into the to-read pile it goes. 

Let's see what has in store for me this month.

(As a side note, last month I 1320 books on my to-be-read list. I now have 1375. I need to read some damn books.)

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. When chose this, I was going to skip it and have it choose another one. I just have too much epic fantasy going on right now. (I'm still slowly reading through Dance with Dragons because I don't want it to end.) But then I read what is quite possibly the greatest book review in the history of book reviews. If I could find a way to post the link to it, I would. It is on the goodreads' page and is by a guy named Michael. 

So long story short, I hope to read the book The Lies of Locke Lamora this month. In addition to finishing the book I'm reading for review (A Kingdom's Possession - it's really good, go check it out) as well as Dance with Dragons, Mistress of Rome, and any other books that might tickle my fancy this month. Gah! 

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  1. Thanks for participating again! I hope you're able to get your reads done this month. :) December is a CRAZY month though for anyone, so I can definitely sympathize with you there. ;)

    The Lies of Locke Lamor sounds interesting too, I might have to check that one out. :)

    ♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books

  2. I must got to GR and find that review by Michael. December had me so busy I fell sooooo far behind I am considering not accepting any more review requests it will be April by the time I finish them all! lolz.
    I wish I had more reading time :(
    Soon I will I just look forward to those halcyon days :)
    New follower <3
    Random Reads@Books&Beyond

  3. I love Epic fantasy but I am not reading enough of it. I checked The Lies of Locke Lamora and put it straight in my to read list!
    New follower
    You can check my Random Reads if you have the time.


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