Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Authors that I wish Would Write More Books

1. George RR Martin - I've said it once,  and I'll say it again. PLEASE FINISH THE SERIES GEORGE!!! If he dies before the end of Game of Thrones, I don't know what I'll do. Cry. Burn the copies I have. Throw a fit. 

2. Michelle Moran - I love her writing style and the way she brings history alive. I think she's got a ton more books in her so I'm not too worried.

3. Libba Bray - I wish she would write more Gemma Doyle books. I love me some Gemma and Kartik. 

4. JK Rowling - I really wish we could have some books written when Snape was in school, or when Snape was growing up. Anything really. ANYTHING!

5. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - I know he's dead, but I need some more Sherlock Holmes stories in my life. I love them, but it gets old reading the same story over and over and over again.

6. Sarah Addison Allen - I love reading her books. They are enchanting and beautifully written and make the South come alive. I hope she writes a ton more. 

7. Neil DeGrasse Tyson - I love his books on astrophysics. He takes something crazy complicated and makes it easy to understand. Hopefully he'll continue to do so.

8. Lauren Willig - I love her Pink Carnation series. I hope it never ends! 

Those are the few I can think of. I love Stephen King and Phillipa Gregory, but they write so many great books I can't keep up!
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  1. Great List! I am only on book 2 of George R.R. Martin's series and I have same fear. The man is not lookig svelte! Sarah Addison Allen is wonderful. Her battle with cancer is a valid excuse, but now that she has won I hope she gets crackin'. I hear Libba Bray has a book coming in November. Here is my list http://wp.me/pzUn5-M6

  2. I had no idea Sarah Addison Allen had struggled with cancer! Now I feel like a jerk!

  3. Good idea for a blog post. As a slow novelist with a big family, I certainly understand small output. Still, it's awfully nice to be included on a list like this and I'm sure that the authors won't mind! Speaking of slow authors, I'm holding out for Markus Zusak's next book - it's taking rather a while, though I've heard a rumor that he's got one coming out in 2012...

  4. I love Neil DeGrasse Tyson! (Doesn't everyone have a favorite astrophysicist?) I haven't read any of his books yet, though.

    1. Star with "Death by Black Hole". Its hilarious and informative.


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