Sunday, June 3, 2012

Signing Sunday - Baby Signing Apps

If you aren't able to take a signing class, but still want to learn some baby signs, there's a way. My Smart Hands, the company I work for, has a bunch of awesome new apps. They are currently only available for iPhone but they are working on Droid apps. Here's the links and description of each app.

Baby Sign Language Dictionary App ($4.99)
The app has over 300 signs, which is about 45 minutes of instruction. Here's a screencap of Laura, my awesome signing boss, teaching the sign for "careful". There is also a fun quiz at the end. You can also try out the app for free here.

Baby Sign Language Everyday Signs Flash Cards ($.99)
This is the same as the regular flashcards you can buy, but in an app. There are also videos attached of Laura's adorable daughter Fireese teaching the signs. There's another quiz at the end too. There are pictures and words, so even non-readers can use them. CJ is obsessed with these flashcards. This one only has about 20 signs on this app.

Baby Sign Language Alphabet Signs ($.99)
This app is the same as the ABC flashcards. Similar to the everyday app, there are videos of Fireese teaching each sign. There's also another quiz. The app comes with a free download of MSH alphabet song which you can watch here. It comes in an American and a Canadian edition, eh. Really the only difference is zee versus zed.

ASL Fingerspelling Game ($.99)
This is a great app for both kids an adults to practice their fingerspelling (after you learn the alphabet with the previous app of course.) There's a couple of different ways to play the game, and it is a lot of fun.

 So there you go. I recommend them all, they are all fun and we use them all the time. They're a good distraction at doctor's appointments or other times you need to distract a baby for a few minutes. I use them to refresh myself as well. Have fun!

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