Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Week in Pictures

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  1. I had to run over here and tell you that you made me laugh outloud. My kids think I'm crazy right now. Your comment on my giveaway about the milk allergies being a pain in the butt just was the cutest thing I have read all day! I made a vegan carrot/blueberry cake a week ago. It was well, let's call it healthy. But leaving out eggs, milk, and any animal products makes it interesting at best, but we are managing.

    1. Haha! Glad to amuse. Send me the link to this cake, maybe I'll make it for the stinkbutt's birthday next month. Do you have any recommendations for a milk-free birthday cake?

  2. I'd say your boys had a really fun week! I love the intense look on your son's face as he sits in his carseat. Looks like he's debating about which book to enjoy first.

    1. It's actually all the same boy. :) I know he sometimes looks like a toddler and other times like a big boy, but it's just the one 23 month old. :) We had just left the library and I handed him a few of his new books. He gets very intense with new books. Just like his mama. :D


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