Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Truth About Fort Hood

On November 5th, 2009, three friends of mine, and fellow Mental Health Technicians, Trey, Dayna , and Kortenkamp were at Fort Hood preparing for their first deployments. I suspected that things would go off without a hitch. Then all of a sudden there were a flurry of reports about a shooting. I saw on facebook that Trey's fiance was freaking out because she couldn't get a hold of him. It turned out that he was ok, he had just gotten separated from the group when he saw that Dayna had been shot. I can't even go on to the rest of the story because I honestly don't know all the details. Kara recently posted this video and I would like for everyone to watch it. People are forgetting that this even occurred and no one is bothering to learn the truth about the situation. I was very lucky that the three people I knew were not killed, my three friends were not so lucky. They lost people they knew and cared about. Dayna was severely injured and has to live with that everyday. Pin It


  1. Such a scary moment when you can reach a loved one serving in the military. It's sad that some things go unnoticed too. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. This made me cry :( The way things go unnoticed in todays media age is unreal. We hear every day that Kim Kardashian went to the bathroom but things like this don't get a second glance. It is sickening!

    1. So true. The blonde girl in the video Dayna is a good friend of mine, we went through our job training in the Army together. It was really hard to watch her in the video, just remembering what she went through. She was shot right through her stomach, arm, and uterus. She is alive and well, but it is terrible thinking what could have happened to her, and did happen to others.


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