Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ten Books I Just Had to Buy, But Haven't Read

Linking up with http://brokeandbookish.blogspot.com/
Do you ever buy a book because you just absolutely had to have it, only to have it sit on the shelf for months, maybe even years? Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Here's ten books I had to buy the second they came out... but haven't gotten to yet.
  1. Jane Austen Made Me Do It - Lauren Willig, author of the Pink Carnation series, wrote one of the Austen-inspired stories in this book. Since I love her and the Pink Carnation series, I had to have it. I read her story and maybe two or three others, but it just hasn't grabbed my attention. I might put it up on paperbackswap. (Unless one of you would like it, I'd be happy to mail it off to you.)
  2. The Monsters of Templeton - This one appealed to me because I love the cover (Yes, I totally judge books by their covers) and because the story sounded intriguing. I read the first couple of pages but it just didn't grab me at that time. I'm sure eventually it will. 
  3. Einstein : His Life and Universe - I think Einstein was an awesome guy, and since his bio got great reviews, I had to have it. I've read bits and pieces. It is just too big to read all at once. So every once in a while, I pull it off the shelf and give it a go. 
  4. The Pillars of the Earth - I know that I will love this book once I get started. It has absolutely everything I love in a book, and I know Ken Follett is an amazing author. I think I'm just intimidated by its size. I know that it is going to take a long time to read, so I'm just not ready for that commitment right now. 
  5. Pirate Latitudes - Michael Crichton was my favorite living author after Stephen King. So when they published the last book he'd written before his death, I got it right away. I still haven't gotten around to read it though. Hubby read it and liked it though. 
  6. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - I knew a little bit about Henrietta Lacks, and I found her story intriguing, so I got the book. Still haven't read it though. 
  7. The True Story of Hansel and Gretel - I'm pretty sure I'm giving up on this book. I've gotten it two different times and then given it away because I haven't sat down to read it. It's time to let it go. 
  8. The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate - I love the cover of this book and I know I will like it, just haven't given it a chance yet. 
  9. A Death in Belmont - I have a weird connection to the Boston Strangler (not like an emotional connection or anything weird, he just killed a woman on the day I was born who lived in a house I eventually lived in). This book is partly about that woman and is written by one of my favorite authors Sebastian Junger, so I had to buy it. I'm just not emotionally ready for a psycho killer book though. 
  10. American Wife - This one appealed to me because it is supposed to be loosely based on George W Bush's wife's life. It sounded interesting and had a pretty cover. I just haven't read it yet. Someday. 
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  1. I actually had a hard time with both PIRATE LATITUDES and HANSEL AND GRETEL. I finished them both, but didn't love either. I really want to read HENRIETTA LACKS, THE MONSTERS OF TEMPLETON and PILLARS OF THE EARTH. One of these days ...

  2. I love the cover of Calpurnia Tate too! It is so lovely...and the story inside is just as charming. Loved Henrietta Lacks. I hope you get to them soon1 http://wp.me/pzUn5-1sh

  3. I had read a bit of Henrietta Lacks while working the cash register one year at the bookstore where I worked,last summer I think actually. So I asked for the book for Christmas. I haven't really finished it yet. One of these days soon, as I'm very fascinated with the story, and the beginning of the book hooked me.
    My Top 10

  4. The American Wife is a pretty good read!


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