Friday, November 9, 2012

Guest Post - NANOWRIMO Blogger Style

Today's guest post is from Amanda at who aspires to finish a novel some day!

This past week was the start of National Novel Writing Month or NANOWRIMO for short. As an avid blogger, I always attempt to start the journey toward a NANOWRIMOWIN (as in finishing the set word count between Nov 1 and Nov 30 of the given year), and this year is no exception. Novel writing differs from writing for a blog in a variety of ways, and it really is it's own separate genre. While some people do "real life" blogging, very few people write long fiction stories via blogs. 

For the avid reader of blogs, we often love to catch up with someone's real life, whether we know them or not. Other blogs really focus on reviews and giveaways or savings. Still others are great for the sports fans, and others focus on blogs about books. There really are as many blog types out there as novel types, I swear! I mean, some day perhaps blogs will be not just "tagged" and "categorized" but perhaps they'll have their own Dewey Decimal System! (Can I lay claim to that?!)

Blogging suits me in my current state because I need only write a small amount at a time and just a few "do overs" for edits; while novel writing, needs a bit more concentration - something that having a 2.5 year old who wants to nurse or a 4.5 year old who wants me to help her with letter sounds may not allow. Most novel writers do their writing as a full-time job, and it is important to know all that they put into their work. Now, as a blogger myself, I know blogging takes up time as well :)

As someone who loves to write, though, I find blogging to be a release, fun, and I enjoy learning about new topics, exploring new companies and just well.... writing!

If only there were giveaway posts for novel writing, I may actually get a "win" in this year's NANOWRIMO!

Amanda blogs at and - She's mom of a preschooler and a toddler and enjoys writing and looks forward to being "just" a stay at home mom later this month when she's laid off from her corporate job :) You can also find her savings and deals at
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