Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top Ten Books I'd Take on a Deserted Island

I would want some good thick books that I wouldn't mind re-reading. Luckily those are my favorite types of books, so here is my list.

The Game of Thrones series - Yep, counting them all as one book. Hopefully when I become stranded on a desert island, I was on a ship that contained a library and all of the books surived onto the shore... Yep, makes sense in my head.

The Gemma Doyle trilogy - I just re-read the first two, and they absolutely held up to my memory of how great they were. I'd definitely be able to re-read these.

Gone with the Wind - Another great book for distracting me and reminding me that life could always be worse. "And as God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again!"

Great Expectations - Pip could inspire me to make the best of whatever situation I have found myself in.

Robinson Crusoe - This would be helpful in giving me some ideas on how to survive on a desert island.

The Bible - I'm gonna need some help from the big guy to survive.

Beauty by Robin McKinley - If I needed to escape to another land, this would be the perfect book to distract me.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings - Tolkien never  gets old. It doesn't matter how many times you read it, you will always find new things.

My Nook - Let's pretend that there is electricity on this deserted island. K? I would fill my nook up with all the books and bring that with me.

And that's my list. Nothing spectacular. but good ones. What about you? Which books would you want on a deserted island? Pin It

1 comment:

  1. True about the Game of Thrones series.... they will tide you through any hardships.
    I haven't read the Gemma Doyle series. But maybe I should because it made it to your list!


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