Sunday, January 13, 2013

Things I Found (2)

Teaching Children Good Manners - CJ is actually the sweetest when he says thank you mama. 
Winter Fairy Birthday Party - This is gorgeous and precious and I need a baby girl.
SOAR Superhero Program - CJ would love this. 
5 Awesome Valentine's Crafts for Kids
Martin Luther King Jr Activities
Harvard Museum of Natural History Visit - Awesome field trip in Boston.
The Letter Z
10 Great Educational Tools For Children 2-5
The ABC's of Raising Boys
Fun Activities for The Mitten - I love that book.
5 Photos of Pizza - International pizza. Yum.
Skinny Queso Dip - I loooove queso. 

Women in the Balkans who Choose to Live as Men - It's a really interesting story.
21 Poses for Photographing People
9 Stupid Things Christians Say - Written by a Christian.

10 Most Romantic Moments in Doctor Who - Does it need saying? YES DOCTOR IT DOES.
Gone with the Wind Part 2
10 Best Disney Songs You've Never Heard - I actually have heard most of these, because I am in fact, a huge nerd.

Valentine's Date Hair
DIY Jewelry Holder

Preserving Memories with Elegant Frames
Using Bright Yellow Paint in the Home
I'm in the kitchen singing and this conversation occurs.
CJ - Mama not sing.
Me - But I'm a good singer.
CJ - Mama not good sing.
Me - But I like to sing.
CJ - CJ not like mama sing.

Truth hurts man.

Adolescent elephants throw themselves on the ground when they are upset.
Elephant tantrums are cuter than baby tantrums.

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1 comment:

  1. Terrific post. Thanks so much for sharing. Love the baby elephant tantrum :)


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