Saturday, February 11, 2012

28 Days to a Clean House?

I've read a ton of books on getting organized and having a cleaner house. None of them work! But I think I finally found a book written by someone I can understand. I am no Martha Stewart as much as I would like to be so I have a tough time relating to most organization and cleaning books. This one might be the one to change all that.

Which book could it be? It's "28 Days to Hope for Your Home" by Dana White (aka Nony the Slob from

Here's why I think this book will be more helpful than others. It includes 28 days of SPECIFIC instructions to help develop only four basic home management habits. Only four habits shouldn't be too hard. She also includes specific and practical tips to keep me from giving up. Not only that, but Nony is a self-confessed slob. If she can do it, so can I. Not only that, but the book is currently on sale for only $4. 

If you would like to read more about it and possibly take up the challenge with me, click here to view more details
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