Friday, July 13, 2012

A-Z Mini-Challenge #7 - Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

I am so sorry that I completely forgot this month's mini-challenge. Ugh!!

So how's everyone doing with the challenge? I am doing horribly. Would you believe I read one book last month?! One. Despicable. I was really hoping to turn it around this month, but it isn't looking good. Sheesh. I hope you guys are all doing better than I am. Has anyone finished the challenge yet? That would be amazing. 

Well, July 15th is my little bambino's 2nd birthday. So in honor of that we are going to have a celebrations challenge. 

For this month's challenge, read a book with a celebration in it!

It can be a birthday, a baptism, a bah mitzvah, whatever. Let me know if you find any good books! 

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  1. Heh, I just finished The Hunger Games which is almost completely lacking in happy!! I've only got three letters left tocomplete the A-Z :-)

    1. Holy mackerel. How do you only have three left!? Congrats. I'm in awe.

  2. I read Eggecutive Orders by Julie Hyzy for this challenge as I had E available and the Easter Egg Roll at the White House is a celebration.

  3. Wondering if you are putting up more challenges?

    1. I am, just trying to think of a good topic, any ideas?

  4. I completed the challenge! Will make a wrap-up post soon!

    1. THAT'S CRAZY! Good job! Would you like to make up the challenge for this month? You could do it as a guest post if you'd like. Let me know!

  5. I have 7 letters left. My Z is a biography. Have Y and O near me to read. I think I have the others in the house - J, N, Q and V.


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