Friday, December 16, 2011

Fun Meme Friday!

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1. Do you like your middle name or are you embaressed by it?
I was always embarrassed by my middle name because I was named after my aunt who is quite literally, a crazy person. When I got married, I change my maiden name to my middle name, and now I love it. 

2. Have you ever seen a white Christmas?
I think a better question is have I ever not seen a white Christmas? I grew up in New England and Colorado so there's almost always been snow on Christmas. I'm not sure whether it is going to happen this year though. 

3. Looking back, have you accomplished what you wanted in life up to this point?
I haven't really accomplished much of anything that I intended, but I'm ok with that. What I wanted to be and who I became are two completely different people. I'd much rather be a wife and mother than a pilot. Not that I couldn't do both if I wanted to, but I don't. 

4. Do you prefer baking or cooking?
Definitely baking. Baking leads to yumminess. 

5. Which website do you spend the most time on?
Besides this blog, facebook and google reader. 

Go here for the host.

What blog post has gotten the most comments/activity this year?
Other than blog hops and giveaways, the most comments have been on my A-Z Book Challenge. Lots of people joined that, so yay!

Go here to sign up.

What is the best Christmas present you've ever received?
Two years ago, I got married 2 days after Christmas. That was the best Christmas present I have ever received. 

Worst/funniest white elephant present you've ever received?
In elementary school, we did one of these. It was such a bad idea. I grew up in a really poor town, so I don't understand why they thought any of us could afford to buy a present to give to some random kid in our class. Well my mom took this ginormous oversized foot-shaped comb and wrapped that. The person who got it was sooooo mad. I wouldn't admit that it was me who gave it. 

Is your Christmas tree plain and simple or wild and crazy?
All of the above? I will only allow white lights in my house. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. We don't have a big Christmas tree this year, we have 3 small trees. We have one all-white tree covered in mostly white ornaments. That's the wedding tree. Then there's a regular tree covered in regular ornaments and finally there is the all-black Nightmare before Christmas tree. We like to mix it up around here.

How do you iron your clothes?
On the very rare occasions when I iron my clothing, I do it with an iron on an ironing board.

How much baking do you do for Christmas and what are your "must bake" items?
I usually bake one or two things. This year I'm going to make a pumpkin pie for my bro-in-law, some sort of fancy cupcake (last year I made Irish car-bomb cupcakes), and I need to make something sugar-free and dairy-free for the baby. Not sure what yet.

Go here to sign up.

When you've read a book, what do you do with it?

This all depends on the book. If I loved loved loved it, I keep it. It goes on a special shelf I have just for books that I absolutely love. If I love it, and it is something that I want my children to read someday, it goes onto another special shelf I have just for that. Otherwise, I give it away. I'll either paperbackswap it or give it away on here or bring it to the used book store. I have over 1000 books on my bookshelves, so I just can't keep books that I don't absolutely love anymore. Sometimes it makes me sad to give them away, but until I have the Beast's library from Beauty & the Beast, I just can't hoard them like I want. 

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  1. Hello! I'm a new follower!
    You have an awesome library. I only have a few books that I truly love. The rest because of lack of space, I give away or sell to used book stores.

  2. What a cool concept that A-Z read was! I wish I would have seen it earlier, very cool.

    And P.S. I'm anti-ironing too! I just throw it back in the dryer with a wet wash cloth...does the trick every time ;)

  3. It depends on the book for me too. Great ones stay, while so-so ones and ones I didn't like go away.

    Here is my Follow Friday post

  4. I love looking up a books on shelves. I think they are like art and say so much about a person. However, I mostly buy e-books now! New follower!

    My Follow Friday!

  5. Me and my mom have the same middle name. She was named after her dad's favorite aunt. As far as I know she wasn't crazy. Lol


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